The fashion world, with its constantly changing collections and clothes that end up in the rubbish is a crazy industry. We want to create pieces that can not only be worn forever, but also adapt to the seasons. Our collection is growing carefully: after the poncho came the blouse, after the skirt came the dress. Once an idea for a new addition is born, we get busy.

Dann wird gezeichnet, geschnitten, genäht und schließich ein neues Herz-Stück geboren.


Melanie, Julia, Evelin: each design bears the name of a person who is connected to VergissMeinNicht in a special way. Because community is what matters most to us.


With VergissMeinNicht through all of the seasons:

warm in winter with the poncho as a pullover, in spring and autumn it becomes a casual jacket.

That is what we mean by added value


Patterns with that certain something: products from VergissMeinNicht are characterised by their very own style.


It’s not just the people behind VergissMeinNicht that are special. But also those who buy the pieces – including you.


Individuality is priceless. We are happy to produce aprons, blouses, skirts, slippers or other items for companies and the hotel industry.